Are you aware of the 7cs of content marketing? Check out this content marketing guide to learn from the best marketing agency!

content marketing guide

If you think content marketing is just about posting pretty pictures, think again!

Let’s be real—have you never wondered how other brands nail their online presence while others struggle to do the same? It’s their content marketing strategy that sets them apart from the competition. With the right planning, you can make your content not just click-worthy but conversion-worthy too!

Don’t worry about the ‘how’s’ and ‘what’s’! We’re here to help you help you! Mix these secret ingredients and voila! There you have the best content strategy from the best content writing company in India!

So, buckle up because this guide is going to make your content pop!

1. Be Consistent

Do you really think people will stick around your content if you don’t post regularly?

You need to maintain consistency, offering something that keeps pulling them towards your content. Create a demand for them and attract customers organically through relevant and interesting stuff. 

Whether it’s blogs or daily Instagram posts, show up consistently and set a rhythm. Stick to that schedule and you’ll see the results when your audience keeps coming back to your page.

2. Provide Clarity

Ever tried re-reading your content and felt they don’t deliver the clarity your customers want? 

People usually only scan your content and look for keywords that grab their attention. However, if your content doesn’t provide them with a clearer picture, they won’t want to interact with it. 

If you think using sophisticated language and industry jargon might enhance your matter, stop right there!
Remember, you’re not giving English lessons out there, you want to communicate your message in the easiest way possible. Your goal must be to deliver content that educates or humours them not confuse them. Ensure your language is simple and intent clear.

3. Be Customer-Centric

If your content does not revolve around your customer base, it’s useless.

If your only goal is to push your brand into their faces, we suggest you pause. Sure, profit-making is one of the primary goals of every business but making it your only purpose will lead you nowhere.

There has to be a logical reasoning as to why you’re creating a particular piece of content. Your content should address your audience’s problem and be the solution to it. Focus on solving their problem by delivering material that adds a significant amount of value to their lives. 

4. Unleash Your Creativity

    The only reason you haven’t cracked a killer strategy yet is you don’t want to experiment!

    You’ll be stuck in the same cycle unless you adapt to a new style of content creation. You won’t grow as a business until you feel the urge to create something uniquely yours from scratch. 

    You can create memes, blog posts, and videos, or even present your take on an old topic in a fresh style. Social media is an ever-evolving platform, giving you endless scope to explore, learn, practice, and experiment. Be out there, see what people are doing, what’s working for them, and identify their loopholes. This way you can curate better and crisp social media content  strategies.

    5. Conversation

    Are people still not engaging with your brand?

    If your audience is not interacting with the content you’re putting out, it’s because you don’t give them a chance to do so. Your content needs to hook readers from the get-go and ask questions to initiate discussion. Secondly, your copies should have a super conversational tone as if the brand is directly speaking to the customers. 

    A responsible brand should never ghost its audience and instead encourage feedback. Produce content that earns replies and shares to create engagement with your followers. Leave space for your audience to respond, participate, and share their views. 

    6. Build Credibility

      Are you sure people trust your brand?

      For instance, if you’re a FMCG brand, you must mention all the components used to create the product. Failing to do so might also showcase your brand in a negative light, indicating it is shady. Building trust and authority among people comes with a lot of hard work but it fosters loyalty among your followers.

      To build credibility, you must maintain transparency with your audience. Since they’re buying from you, they have every right to know what goes into the making of the product they’re paying for. To further encourage this emotion, you should provide statistics, testimonials, case studies, and expert opinions to support all your claims.

      7. Emotional Connection

      Do you think the masses feel a sense of belonging in your community?

      Brands need to build an emotional connection with the market for the masses to resonate with their message. You cannot put out flat and boring informational pieces and expect people to buy from you. You need to connect with them on a personal level and understand their pain points to tailor messages according to their wants and needs. 

      Storytelling is the key element here. Deliver your information and educate them using this strategy. People remember stories so don’t just sell, try connecting with them using relevant, relatable, and raw content. Talk to them, about them, for them. This way you’ll gather a loyal audience in no time.

      Think you’ve got the 7Cs down? Great! But if you need a team that’s mastered them and can market your brand on another level, WSUxCOHO, the top content writing company in India is here to help!

      Content may be the king, of course, but strategy is surely the queen! Connect with us at [email protected], and let’s give your brand a royal treatment.